Savings And Benefits

This Savings with These Benefits is the best membership program to save you money in many areas of life that make your life easier. See how everyone will need this too. (And even your own PET – you are in GREAT hands here as well)

This incredible Opportunity not only gives Access to INSANE Benefits for our Community Members, but it opens the Door to SO MUCH more.

We also have a huge Marketing Family you are welcome to join when you see all that’s offered here. Just Contact Us for more information.

  • Reducing your Monthly Auto, Home and Health Insurance allows more money to cover Life’s Expenses. And this is where we really make impact on so many lives. When you can spend $20 to Save Hundreds! Everyone that sees more wants more and to know more of the Benefits on everyday needs and your normal spending.
  • The Savings with this Program will help so many out there to gain a financial hand-up. This will then allow more time and resources to build True Time and Financial Freedom with the RRR247 Program.
  • This is Savings and Benefits for your Pets and Children. We have Access to Pet Insurance. It is surprising to see how many use Pet insurance and save with each Vet appt. or emergency and for such a small amount. This also offers Pet Supplies all over the place. The same things you are buying now but Now with Membership Prices to save you. And as we are ever expanding to Pet Tele-Doc. How great to stay home and put your pet on the computer or phone for examination by a Vet!

Start by choosing the best for you and your family. If need be start with Gold Membership and it does quickly move up by your use alone. Become a part of the Marketing Family with RRR247. See Below under “RRR247 Marketing Family” for details on this incredible Aspect of What we are Offering here.

GOLD MEMBERSHIP for only $20 (USD) A Month. This Includes The Following:

  • 850,000 Hotel Discounts: Incredible Savings for all areas of travel and travelers. Saving to add back to your trip.
  • Dining, Shopping, & Entertainment: Savings on places you normally eat at and regularly plus where you normally shop for things you normally need but now with a discount.


  • 850,000 Hotel Discounts:
  • Dining, Shopping, & Entertainment:


  • Auto & Home Insurance: We are seeing up to 80% of our Members Save with Auto and Home Insurance. These are the BEST “Group and Member” Rates on the planet. With RRR247, even as a GOLD Membership you still Gain Access to these “MEMBER ONLY” Rates for Auto and Home Insurance.
  • Eat Play Shop Travel: Savings in where you Eat, Play, and Travel. This is a fun and exciting portal of savings and benefits for our Members in areas of life you are already spending money in. It has something for everyone to use and Save.
  • Name Brand Shopping Discounts: Savings Brand Name products for our Members. These are Exclusive Savings with your membership only. A place for better pricing and value. Places that NEVER seem to offer discounts do so with our Membership, it’s the perks!
  • Prescription Savings: This is a Prescription Drug Savings and Free Prescription Program for our Members. And it is next to none in the savings on prescription and the list to choose from.
  • Health and Dental Insurance: This is huge for us self-employed at-home consumers. GROUP RATES for us are Incredible with our Large Membership. Health and Dental Coverage that families can truly afford. This is something you need to see. NOTE: Because RRR247 is about Creating Time and Financial Freedom. When you are self-employed, you need great rates for Coverage on everything. It’s nice to know we have Solutions for this!
  • Domains, Hosting & SSLs: Needing additional services or businesses? Need a connection? This is the lowest cost for all the benefits. NOTE: (With RRR247, we have our System that comes with Hosting, SSL and Domain).

Seems like so Much to take in? With our RRR247 Online Community, we are literally teaching and training ALL the time on all these finds. Contact Us.

  • Credit Repair Software: So for just the Monthly Cost of the Membership. This is a program benefit that helps to remove items from your Credit Report. This is a self-guide and very effective to raise your credit score. Surprising advice, Surprise results. Love this program.
  • Zoom Discount: This is a surprisingly low cost Only for Members. Savings on the ZOOM Meeting and Webinar Program are so Incredible that “WE CANNOT PUBLISH THEM”. There is a RRR247 VERSION that has added benefits. (See your RRR247 Instructor for Details). Make your business easy.
  • Lower Business Bills: This Program helps to lower the needed Business Costs to run your Business. This is a Hugh Help at Membership Pricing Programs. Examples of Bills that can Be Lowered through this Program Include 1. MOBILE / CELL PHONE. 2. TELECOM. 3. TV. 4. INTERNET. 5. LANDLINE. 6. SATELLITE TV. 7. SATELLITE RADIO. 8. PAYROLL. 9. MERCHANT ACCOUNTS. 10. SECURITY SYSTEMS. 11. STORAGE UNITS. 12. WEB SERVICES. 13. WASTE MANAGEMENT. 14. LAWN CARE. 15. PEST CONTROL. 16. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES. 17. SUBSCRIPTIONS & MEMBERSHIPS. 18. WATER DELIVERY (5 GALLON BOTTLES, ETC.) 19. LINEN AND UNIFORM CLEANING. 20. STAFFING. 21. HEATING OIL. 22. PROPANE GAS. 23. OTHER RECURRING BILLS

PLATINUM MEMBERSHIP for only $100 (USD) A Month. This Includes The Following:


  • Auto & Home Insurance:
  • Eat Play Shop Travel:
  • Name Brand Shopping Discounts:
  • Prescription Savings:
  • Health and Dental Insurance:
  • Domains, Hosting & SSLs:
  • Credit Repair Software:
  • Zoom Discount:
  • Lower Business Bills:


Titanium and Platinum Wholesale Travel: With the increase in travel expenses this has become a must have for Travelers. A discount, benefit program for incredible Savings in Air, Car, Vacations, Cruises and so much more.

Free Marketing System: Is one method of Marketing. As a Member of RRR247 we have access to Paid Marketing! And it’s already paid for! The Benefits just keep getting better and better!

Mentors Club: Has access to incredible Training. You can never get enough. This is a priceless education and Mentoring Source.

TITANIUM MEMBERSHIP for only $199 (USD) A Month. This Includes The Following:


  • Titanium and Platinum Wholesale Travel:
  • Free Marketing System:
  • Mentors Club:
  • Auto & Home Insurance:
  • Eat Play Shop Travel:
  • Name Brand Shopping Discounts:
  • Prescription Savings:
  • Health and Dental Insurance:
  • Domains, Hosting & SSLs:
  • Credit Repair Software:
  • Zoom Discount:
  • Lower Business Bills:


Titanium / Legal/Roadside/Medical: This is another Incredible Benefits Portal. It is accessible online as well as through an App on your iOS or Android Smartphone. Life just got easier.

This Is an Additional Portal that Includes:

  • New Benefits Rx: This works with your new Member Pricing Benefits to Check Prices and Pharmacies that work for you.
  • Legal Services: Experienced lawyers at discounted rates to do Simple Wills and Trusts. Also for help with TrafficTickets, bankruptcy, divorce, and spousal and child support. Just to name a few situations.
  • Global Travel Assistance: The Protection & Peace of mind when you travel. Invaluable!
  • NBCashback: Earn Cash Back at Participating Merchants.

*DISCLAIMER: This is a Member Only Savings and Benefits Program. As Part of RRR247 and SHG we are Blessed with incredible benefits. We are NOT INSURANCE AGENTS, nor will be publish or share things outside of the Membership. The Rates and Savings are MEMBERS Only. And there may be exceptions for various locations throughout the World on particular programs. We are beyond satisfied (UNDERSTATMENT ALERT) of the Value this brings anyone singularly, or as a couple, or a family unit with the Memberships. All Levels are Far more Valuable as you Explore and Utilize them.

About Our RRR247 Marketing Family

THIS IS SOMETHING FOR ANYONE Looking to Create Time and Financial Freedom:

This Savings and Benefits Program you are seeing here is being utilized by the RRR247 Marketing Family. It is so incredible that we are marketing it and sharing it to the World. There are Global Aspects to this that are parallels to the RRR247 Core Values. We are going to Bless and Help a lot of Families with this.

If you are not a part of the RRR247 Marketing Family, you need to go here and get acquainted with us. And you should register to the Email System located to the right of this Article. And reply to any of the emails for direct contact to become a part of this.

Be Sure to Reach Out and Contact us for More Information. Once we add you officially into our Online Community we get to “GIFT YOU” with more and more and more!